New Exclusive Silhouette Slimline uPVC Window

Are you planning on updating your windows? If yes, then have you considered our slimline uPVC windows? A new Silhouette Slimline uPVC Window is now available exclusively through Thermaglaze. It is stylish and modern creating clean and crisp sight lines.

The benefits of our Exclusive Silhouette Slimline Window?

  • Aesthetically Pleasing

The Silhouette ultraslim windows are more elegant than our standard uPVC casement window frames, the slimline frame offers a greater glazed area and in return gives you wider sightlines and more light.
  • Alternative to Aluminium Windows

If you’re looking for the same look as Aluminium windows, then our Silhouette slimline uPVC windows could be for you. Not only is the slimline window more affordable but it is also available in a selection of colours, not just white!
  • Strength and Durability

We’re lucky that all of our uPVC windows have the highest A-Rated Double Glazing featuring high thermal insulation properties. They are also acoustically insulated and designed to minimise problems with noise outside of the home. All Thermaglaze installations come with a 10 year insurance backed guarantee.
  • Multi-point Locking System

Our slimline windows feature a multi-point Trojan locking system for maximum security that has been tested to BS7950 standards.

Contact us

Our Silhouette Slimline uPVC Windows are available to view in our lovely showroom in the beautiful village of Sutton Veny. Please feel free to pop in for a coffee and see this stylish Silhouette Slimline uPVC window for yourself or call us on 01985 840904 for more information. If you’re on Facebook then like/follow our page for our latest customer reviews, new product news and special offers.